Образцы текстов свадьба, крестины, юбилеи
Фильтр (X)
Фильтр (X)

Свадьба EN

текст нр. 1

    Dear ..................................................................
    ............. and .............
    have decided to share our lives in holly matrimony.
    The wedding will take place on Sunday,
    May 23rd 2021, at “Casa Nuntii NOROC”, Sucevita street,
    number 34 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
    The ceremony will start at 13:00 o’clock.
    We would be happy to share those moments with you
    and sincerely hope you can join us.

текст нр. 2

    Dear ..................... and .............,
    ............. and .............,
    Have decided to share our lives in holly matrimony.
    The ceremony will take place on Saturday
    August 14, 2021 at 10:00
    at the “Salvation” Church, K.Zetkin st. 2
    in Bendery, Republic of Moldova.
    The following reception will start at 15:00
    at “Casa Nuntii NOROC”, Sucevita st. 34
    in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
    We would be happy to share
    those moments with you and
    sincerely hope you can join us.

текст нр. 3

    Dear ............. .............
    We are pleased to invite you at the celebration
    of our wedding that will take place
    on Sunday October, 11 2021 at 19:00
    in the hall of the cafe “Luceafarul”
    Alba Iulia street, 206
    Celebrations will be successful
    if you will honour us with Your presence.
    Respectfully Yours,
    ............. and .............

текст нр. 4

    A wonderful day in our lives is drawing near.
    We would be honored and happy
    if you would share the joy of this union
    before God, which will take place on Saturday,
    the twenty-first of August two thousand and four
    at ten o’clock in the morning,
    Complexul Crestin Hristos Pentru Moldova,
    Str. Calea Ieşilor 59, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
    ............. & .............

текст нр. 5

    We will share our tomorrows and all that they hold…”
    The time has finally come for
    to end their long courtship as they joyfully request the 
    honour of your presence
    in their exchange of wedding vows Sunday, .......... of ...........,
    t at.... o'clock in the afternoon
     ............................ Church
    Reception immediately following

текст нр. 6

    Two hearts, one love
    Two promises, one covenant
    Two lives, made in one covenant
    Two lives, made one in Christ
    Dear Tage
    ................ & ................
    Invite you to share a day of happiness as we begin
    a life of love on Saturday, July 10ht, 2021, at 5 p.m.
    Novas Banguet Hall  str. Aerogarii, 31
    Singera, mun.Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
    Reception to follow

текст нр. 7

    Please join our families on this special
     occasion when our children
    Ann Marie Pierson 
    Jonahtan W. Bacon
    will  be married
    on Wednesday, the 28th  of August 2021
    at two o clock in the afternoon
    Koza Hotel Newport, Island

текст нр. 8

    Mr. and Mrs. ..............................
    Mr. and Mrs ...............................
    request the honor of your presence
    at the marriage of their children
    on Wednesday, the 28th of August
    two thousand and eight
    at two o'clock in the afternoon
    Koza Hotel
    Newport, Rhode Island

текст нр. 9

    Dear ...........................!
         With much happiness we would like to announce the wedding of two people that are very much in love on ......., the ........ of ...........
         We ask you to honour us kindly with your presence and come to the wedding ceremony in the ............. church, in honour of the Mother of God “.........................” (Life-giving spring),
     situated ................., at ............
         A wedding banquet will follow at the "................" restaurant, ............. Street, at .......... (4PM).
    Yours sincerely,
    ........... and ..........

текст нр. 10

    Dear .........................!
    Something borrowed and something blue
    Some things are old, some things are new
    Someone to care and share your life
    the dream of every husband and wife
    Please join us
    as we unite in marriage
    on Friday, the ..... d of ..........

текст нр. 11

    As the trees burst into color
    and the autumnal season arrives
    we pledge our faith, our love, our lives
    We, ............ and ..............
    request the honour of your presence
    as we begin a lifetime of love
    on Saturday, the .....th of ........ at ..........
    Ceremony address: ........................
    Each hour, each day, each year
    We grow as two, yet as one,
    We grow apart, yet together
    Forming an eternal love…

текст нр. 12

    Dear .................. and ..................! 
    We have the joy of inviting you 
    To be present at our wedding ceremony 
    Which will take place 
    On Sunday, the ........... of ........., ............ 
    At ......, Cathedral of ..................
    Sincerely yours 
    ........... and .............